On Friday 14 July 2006, a jack-knifed lorry shed
its load of 25,000 flowers across Bristol City Centre.
At 6pm, passers-by began to take the flowers and by 7pm the installation was entirely dispersed across Bristol, as people walked home carrying armfuls of flowers. This was Heather and Ivan Morison’s I lost her near Fantasy Island. Life will not be the same… commissioned for the British Art Show 6 in Bristol. Unannounced and unexplained, the work operated as part-monument and part-performance intervention into public space which captured the public’s imagination.

Director’s note
The duration of this work and the way in which the ‘sculpture’ changed over the period of the day led to initial discussions later that year when I undertook the curatorial residency at Massey University, New Zealand. Inspired by the Morisons’ audacious act and subsequent conversations with artists and curators across New Zealand, One Day Sculpture was born along with Situations’ subsequent interest in time as well as place as a medium in public art.

About the artists
The Morisons’ artworks convey the simple pleasures and passions of their endeavours and of those they meet, from amateur floristry to beekeeping. The formal outcomes of their investigations include postcards sent to a growing mailing list, LED displays of text messages, slide shows, LP recordings of conversations, radio broadcasts, one-off events, intriguing temporary structures and science-fiction novels written whilst in transit. Many of these blend factual recall with fictionalisation, merging information into a shifting narrative that builds on the mythology of Heather and Ivan Morison’s lives and the lives of the people they encounter.

Ivan and Heather Morison, I lost her near Fantasy Island… A commissioned response
‘Cornucopia pouring from the camera lens’ A commissioned response to Heather…
ViewFurther Information
This project was funded by Arts Council England as part of the British Art Show 2006.
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Related Projects

Heather and Ivan Morrison, Journée des Barricades
Wellington NZ / 2008
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